February 2018

Winter in Montenegro

Last autumn, my boss asked me if I would go to our sister hotel in Montenegro to help out for a few months until the new General Manager of the hotel can start there. Not only was this very generous of him and a huge career opportunity for me, but it was also a new adventure and a winter away from grey Berlin. They have palm trees in Montenegro, so I knew Alex would say yes to joining me too. Because he wants to live where Palm Trees grow... I know, bless him!
So there were a few organisational challenges to overcome, many flights back and forth had to be booked and some conversations with people telling me I could do this!! Quite scary to suddenly be in charge of a fabulous luxury hotel in Southern Europe, even if it's just for a short while. It was a fabulous opportunity for me to see what it is like to be a Hotel General Manager. In theory, I have an idea what a GM does of course, but it is always different if you are actually doing it yourself. But everybody I spoke to, thought I was up to it, so I started to believe it too. And now over half of the three months have already passed by and we are loving our winter in Montenegro. Hence I would like to share our experiences with you and tell you what there is to see, do and explore in this wonderful small country on the Adriatic coast. It is of course a wonderful summer destination, but it definitely has many appeals in winter too!

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