Whenever we get together we end up shopping together. Although we didn't particularly plan to, we spend the first couple of hours after breakfast discovering Stuttgart's main shopping street the "Königstraße". Walking around, listening to the people around us and their very special dialect and exploring the shops of course. Trying on new things, getting your girlfriend's opinion, debating if you really need another dress in your closet, priceless! Once we all spent some money we continued walking and discovered the beautiful castle in the heart of the city with all the blooming spring flowers which brightened up the rather grey and gloomy day. In addition to the pedestrian area on Königstraße, there is another great shopping area in the city center in form of a brand new shopping mall. It is called "Milaneo" and located north of the main train station. In case it is raining, it is a nice shopping option too.
Stuttgart is located in a valley, so we wanted to find a viewpoint from where we could see the whole city. We chose "Uhlandshöhe" where we had fabulous views of the city and the area. Once you see a city from above it is easier to get your bearings, at least it is like that for me. After taking some photos we walked back toward our hotel via a pretty well-to-do neighbourhood with some lovely old houses. After passing the residential area we walked past the theatre, planetarium and castle which are all very pretty to look at. Then there is also the Mercedes Benz and Porsche Museum, the Staatsgallery which is an Art museum, Schloss Solitude and many more. We would have needed another day to also explore at least some of these definitely worthwhile sights. On this occasion, we did not make it but I guess there is always next time...